Saturday, May 21, 2011

paris holds the key to my heart

okay so blogging every night about my adventures is just way too hard. i always end up way to exhausted every night to bother typing up a summary. my previous post on london covering the three days started to dwindle towards the end lol lacking details cus i got sick of writing it. 
thus, for paris, i am going to give a more sparknotes version with just random thoughts/comments. if you want more details, you should just come visit yourself! :)

» the men are obnoxiously forward, and its annoying. they will shout to you across a street, keep talking after you say goodbye, or follow you to keep talking to you. 
» the prices. its near impossible to find a restaurant with a platter (not a side/appetizer) thats under 10 euro, well unless its chinese/japanese. most are 12-20 euro. && thats even worse because the value of the dollar is so low you gotta multiply it by about 1.4.
» the metro is a touch bit annoying because theres hardly anywhere you can go without switching trains at least once, which is usually a decent walk through the tunnels.
» tons of couples and tons of pda - although hopefully when i come back i will have a boo for my own and this will not be a bother anymore.
» the restaurant service is nothing compared to america. they dont work for tips so they arent that attentive. they dont bring the check until you ask, which is only annoying because they dont regularly check up on you. however, this is something i got used to pretty quick and it just allows you to take your time and not rush through the meal. although i do kinda miss having super attentive waiters that help you pick an entree, talk to you, etc. 

» eiffel tower. its brilliant. so huge, so stunning, so romantic. freakin love it.
» the buildings. the majority of the buildings are just so wonderful! some are quaint with flowers on the patios, others are old and elegant with tons of details/work. 
» there are amazing views everywhere! its either a normal street with pretty buildings, or an amazing water way with bridges, or idk pretty much everything is amazing!
» the cafes! of course! oui oui! the tables are mostly outside and the chairs all face outward to the street so you can people watch while you dine. usually its about a little more than half people drinking espresso, beer, or wine. and then the others will be eating food. people spend hours just drinking and talking at these cafes, a lifestyle i cant get enough of. 
» the language is so amazing! i cant wait to know french.
» people actually have style. flip flops and nike shorts? totally taboo. even the children have style! (guessing a product of their parents, but still, ive seen 13 year olds dressed better than me).
» did i mention the eiffel tower? 
» versaille, notre dame, louvre. there were a lot of french tourists, which was refreshing because london has mostly tourists and i like being surrounded by french. and they are just effin beautiful places!
» the streets are full of people all the time. 
» the guys are SO hot! all of them! well, the mast majority. and there are tons of children everywhere and every single one of them are freaking adorable. im gonna find me a hot french guy and make some cute french babies.

and im sure theres so much more, but those are my thoughts for now. in the morning i am off to madrid!

ps. the post title is in reference to the movie anastasia, one of my favs.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Even with the bad things, Paris sounds absolutely amazing! One day I will visit there and love it!