Wednesday, January 13, 2010

what im into right now

so before i post anymore art.. i figured i should let you know a little bit about myself. some insight into mee. so here are some things that recently im in love with...

1. acrylic paints

as my post below showed, im currently in love with painting!
i bought the cheap stuff just in case i was awful or got bored after one painting (which is typical for me lol).
itll probably take me awhile to upgrade to better paints even though i dont think this hobby is gonna fade.. its so expensive gah!
and plus i gotta save $$ for an easel! :P
oh, and that plaid thing? my rockin apron i wear.

2. my new boots!

santa rocks.
i wear these with every outfit!
ugh im in love.
just pair them with skinnies and BAM, cute outfit already. no thought needed.
(plus they are warm and georgia has decided to be below freezing daily).

3. parle vous français?
oui oui!

(not my pic)

so i have been taking spanish clases for what, like.. 5 years? and i love learning languages so recently i decided to teach myself french!
lets see.. what can i say without a translator...
- le garçon a un pomme. j'ai un poisson. la femme est belle.
&& i also dig anything about the french culture. it kinda bums me out that everyone says the people who live in paris are rude and awful :\.
i used to hate frills and bows. but now i cant get enough! and of course the color black, ivory/tan/gold/etc., and also my next fav..

4. pearls

(not my pic)
ugh. i love pearls.
i wear mine as much as possible.
lots of layers!
and even when im not dressing up, i have my large pearl earring studs in my ears 24/7.

5. ke$ha

- jam out! -

everyone has heard tik tok by her. its awesome. and my ringtone actually...
but yea, so i got her album last night and now im in love.
get it.
songs in particular.. kiss n tell, stephen, blah blah blah, & VIP.

¿que te gusta en este momento? 
qu'aimez-vous en ce moment?
what do you like right now?


Ella Preuss said...

Hi Jaselle, just found your blog through Jenn's :)
I'm liking it! LOL
I'm Argentine, so we can talk in Spanish anytime ;)

Yo también estoy aprendiendo Francés.
Y me acabo de comprar unas perlas!
Me encanta inventar, tomar fotografías, escribir, soy una persona muy creativa.


jaselle louise said...

heyy! thanks im just getting into the groove of blogging. && me gusta que tu hablas espanol Y frances! tenemos mucho en comun :)

Pierce Sullivan said...

That's really cool that you've been getting into acrylic paints recently, I can't wait to see some of the artwork that you do with it!

For some reason I didn't already know some of these things about you...

E said...

I saw a special on Paris today on the travel channel...they said there are two kinds of people: peaches with a soft outside and a pit on the inside, and coconuts with a hard outside but soft inside. The French are coconuts! So true. Just speak a few French words, look sweet, and they crumble right in your hand :)

jaselle louise said...

c'est un plan. merci :)

uhski said...

Hi! I just saw the comment you left for me and just for you I am going to buy one of those pigs and name it Toast.

I love that you love the French culture. I am not as motivated as you right now to learn the language but I am pretty much obsessed with going to Paris someday. =]

Thanks for stopping by my blog. <3 Sarah