Wednesday, February 10, 2010

24 things to accomplish before im 22.

{via flikr}

22 24 things to accomplish before im 22

1. own a designer handbag
2. sell one of my paintings
3. make a skirt from scratch
4. be 100% fluent in spanish
5. kayak down a river
6. adopt my very own puppy
7. go to a ballet
8. hang with some friends at a true jazz bar
9. like & consistently wear every clothing item in my closet
10. inspire somebody
11. sing karaoke at a karaoke bar
12. see a shooting star
13. drive on an autobahn, fast.
14. go skydiving
15. ride a tandem bike
16. take voice lessons until i can sing like sara bareilles
17. kiss in the ran, and not even realize im getting wet.
18. wear something i'm absolutely terrified to wear
19. visit a new (big) city here in america
20. make my own piece of jewelry
21. make a speech/talk in front of a group of people without being nervous
22. write a song on the guitar and actually play it for someone
23. see john mayer in concert
24. study abroad in spain

idea from laura marie of a diary of little things & curiosities.
&& i was inspired and used a few of her things.

maybe i inspired you? (itll cross off one of my things! :P.)


Ella Preuss said...

lol, you did inspire me.
I'll be posting one of these lists later today :)
and i'd love to talk to you in spanish any time! d'you have skype? i'd be happy to help ;)

Lauren said...

What a fantastic LIST!

Laura Marie said...

love it :)